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The bourgeoisie played a revolutionary role in history。


And days of fun, and fun to fight, with great pleasure!


In big cities like Shanghai, want to catch big batches。


Many times the great proletarian cultural revolution。 To dou private group of repair。


Lying on the sidewalk of the proletariat, and the nobles in bed middle of day。


The marxist truth, reorganization, in the final analysis, it is right to rebel。


We should support whatever the enemy against, we must oppose whatever the enemy supports。


In order to the victory of the world revolution, we are prepared to sacrifice the three hundred million Chinese people。


Proletarians why not of the world unite, courageously however up? They do nothing but chains will not lose!


The bourgeoisie, due to develop the world market, make the production and consumption of all countries worldwide。


With the class struggle, confusing。 Class struggle from year to year, month, day by day。


Hire workers was a step in the bourgeois, hungry, in order to get the kids to eat and cry, but he is by a stone!


It USES public, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation replaced by religious and political illusions, hide the exploitation。


The bourgeoisie in its rule of less than one hundred creates productivity, more than all the productivity of the whole past generations, bigger。


It makes in addition to the naked relationship of interests between person and person, in addition to callous "cash", no any other contact。


A class, is that some of the group, because they are in a certain social and economic structure of a different, one group to another group of labor。


We killed more than seventy seventy people, in eastern Europe is that there is no great fanfare homicide。 Revolution, class struggle is not completely how line?


I am not afraid of playing, I”m glad to fight it, Beijing is playing? Nothing more than the cold ones, fired a few shots。 Sichuan is hit, tens of thousands of people on both sides, gun gun, heard that there is a radio。


If do ten things, nine is bad, all in the newspaper, must perish。 Then I can go to the countryside to led farmers to overthrow the government, people”s liberation army (PLA) don”t you come with me, I”ll find the red army。




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