当前位置:首页 > 名言名句 > 影视动漫经典名言名句语录 > 出国旅游常用英语


1、How do I get to the police station?请问如何前往警局?

2、May I have a menu?请给我菜单。

3、How do I get to the tourist information office?请问如何前往旅游资讯局?

4、How much is it per night?每晚费用为多少?

5、Do you have any other baggage?你还有其它行李吗?

6、Then, please give me a new reservation.那么,请帮我重新订位。

7、I'd like a double room.我要两张床的房间。

8、Does it include tax and service charge?费用是否包含税与服务费?

9、Is this your final price?不能再便宜了吗?

10、Is this tax free?这免税吗?

11、Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.是的,我带了两瓶酒。

12、Is there a department store nearby?请问附近有没有百货公司?

13、Is there a discount for staying several days?若停留数日是否有任何折扣?

14、Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗?

15、Thanks a lot. What time do you start check-in?谢谢。你们何时开始办理登机?

16、Your booking is confirmed.你的房间已经预定成功。

17、May I see your passport, please?麻烦请给我你的护照。

18、These are for my personal use.这些是我私人使用的东西。

19、Is there a travel agent nearby?请问附近有没有旅游社?

20、Where is the cashier?收银台在哪里?

21、When does the dining room open?餐厅几点开始营业?

22、The sheets are dirty.床单很脏。

23、How much is it to (地名)?我想到(地名),请问要多少钱?

24、How do I get to the metro station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字)

25、How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?

26、I’ll take this one.我要买这个。

27、Can I have a youth hostel list?是否可提供我一份青年旅馆的目录?

28、I'd like to order room service, please.我要食物送到房间的服务。

29、Is there a night club nearby?请问附近有没有夜总会?

30、Is there a youth hostel nearby?请问附近有没有青年旅馆?

31、May I have some ice water?我可以要冰水吗?

32、Is there a bar nearby? 请问附近有没有酒吧?

33、Is there a bus stop nearby? 请问附近有没有公车站?

34、Is there an airport bus to center city?这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?

35、Hi, where can I get the boarding pass for flight CZ623?请问航班CZ623(航班号)在哪换登机牌?

36、I would like to have a morning call at 8:00 in the morning.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。

37、I'm just passing through.我只是过境而已。

38、May I try this on?我可以试穿这个吗?

39、Can I reserve a hotel(rent a car)here?我是否可在此预订饭店(租车)?

40、stop here, please.请停在这里。

41、Your passport and declaration card, please.请出示护照和申报单。

42、Where is the emergency exit and staircase?紧急出口和楼梯在那里?

43、Can I have some more water?可以再帮我加点水吗?

44、Is there a bank nearby? 请问附近有没有银行?

45、There's no hot water in my room.我房间没有热水。

46、Is there a telephone nearby?请问附近有没有电话?

47、How much does it cost to take a taxi to center city?乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?

48、Where is the bus stop?巴士车站在哪里?

49、Is there a baker nearby? 请问附近有没有面包店?

50、What is the most popular dish here?这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢﹖

51、It’s too expensive. How about a discount?太贵了,打个折吧?

52、Could you show me my room?你可以带我到我的房间吗?

53、What is the fare?费用多少?

54、Is there a hostel around here?这附近有青年旅社吗?

55、Where can I get the limousine for Hilton Hotel?我在何处可搭乘希尔顿饭店的接泊巴士?




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